مقاله در خصوص کپسول باکتری

نام مقاله : کپسول باکتری :

مانعی در مقابل دلوویبریو

فرمت : PDF

5 صفحه انگلیسی

وضعیت : ثبت شده در ISI نویسندگان : Susan F. Koval' and Manfred E. Bayer' ترجمه : دارد 5 ص ورد 

مرتبط با :

میکروبیولوژی چکیده : Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus attached to both capsulated and noncapsulated Escherichia coli K29 cells. Electron microscopy revealed penetration of the thick polysaccharide capsule without any major disintegration of the neighbouring capsular matrix. The capsule remained intact during bdelloplast formation and lysis was unaffected by capsulation of the prey cell. This study shows that, in contrast to its effect on bacteriophage penetration and its protective activities against immune defence mechanisms, the capsule

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